L2L L2L Microarray Analysis Tool

Results for L01A.profile.d50

Results summary View all lists in L2L MDB View all genes in L01A.profile.d50
List Name Description Total
bay_pbmc_2hr_dn Down-regulated at 2 hr following treatment of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with BAY 50-4798, an IL-2 receptor agonist. 398 0.98 7 7.12 7.24e-05
pdgf_es_dn Down-regulated by PDGF in mouse embryonic stem cells, via microarray-coupled gene-trap mutagenesis 6 0.01 2 134.85 9.11e-05
avoidance_dn Down-regulated in hippocampi from the Syracuse high-avoidance (SHA) rat line, versus Syracuse low-avoidance (SLA) rat line. 40 0.10 3 30.34 1.39e-04
il2_pbmc_24hr_up Up-regulated at 24 hr following treatment of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with recombinant IL-2. 503 1.24 7 5.63 3.02e-04
il2_pbmc_48hr_dn Down-regulated at 48 hr following treatment of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with recombinant IL-2. 531 1.31 7 5.33 4.16e-04
bay_pbmc_4hr_dn Down-regulated at 4 hr following treatment of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with BAY 50-4798, an IL-2 receptor agonist. 400 0.99 6 6.07 5.46e-04
et743_blockstsa Normally induced by the HDACi TSA, but induction is blocked by Et-743 15 0.04 2 53.94 6.28e-04
uv-cmv_unique_hcmv_6hrs_dn Down-regulated in fibroblasts at 6 hours following infection with UV-inactivated CMV, but not untreated CMV 164 0.41 4 9.87 7.92e-04
aged_mouse_hippocampus_any_up Up-regulated in the hippocampus of 16-month aged mice from any of four strains (S8, S10, SR1, B6J), versus 3-month young controls 78 0.19 3 15.56 1.00e-03
cox1_ko_cortex_up Up-regulated in the cerebral cortex of COX1-/- mice compared to wild-type controls. 80 0.20 3 15.17 1.08e-03
bay_pbmc_48hr_dn Down-regulated at 48 hr following treatment of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with BAY 50-4798, an IL-2 receptor agonist. 318 0.79 5 6.36 1.28e-03
cisplatin_probcell_up Up-regulated in pro-B cells (FL5.12) following treatment with cisplatin 23 0.06 2 35.18 1.49e-03
cancerdrugs_probcell_up Up-regulated by at least two of four cancer drugs (cisplatin, camptothecin, methotrextate and/or paclitaxel) in pro-B cells (FL5.12) 24 0.06 2 33.71 1.63e-03
methotrexate_probcell_up Up-regulated in pro-B cells (FL5.12) following treatment with methotrexate 24 0.06 2 33.71 1.63e-03
insulin_adip_insens_dn Down-regulated by insulin in murine adipocytes, and continue to respond following induction of insulin-resistance with TNFalpha treatment 25 0.06 2 32.36 1.77e-03
cmv-uv_hcmv_6hrs_dn Down-regulated in fibroblasts at 6 hours following infection with UV-inactivated human cytomegalovirus 207 0.51 4 7.82 1.86e-03
camptothecin_probcell_up Up-regulated in pro-B cells (FL5.12) following treatment with camptothecin 28 0.07 2 28.90 2.21e-03
insulin_adip_sens_dn Down-regulated by insulin in murine adipocytes, but response is blunted following induction of insulin-resistance with TNFalpha treatment 29 0.07 2 27.90 2.37e-03
cmv_hcmv_timecourse_10hrs_dn Down-regulated in fibroblasts following infection with human cytomegalovirus (at least 3-fold, with Affymetrix change call, in at least two consectutive timepoints), with maximum change at 10 hours 30 0.07 2 26.97 2.54e-03
brca_brca1_neg Genes whose expression is consistently negatively correlated with brca1 germline status in breast cancer - higher expression is associated with BRCA1 tumors 250 0.62 4 6.47 3.66e-03
bay-il2_pbmc_late_up Up-regulated at 24-48 hours following treatment of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with BAY 50-4798, an IL-2 receptor agonist, compared to recombinant IL-2. 130 0.32 3 9.34 4.28e-03
ageing_brain_up Age-upregulated in the human frontal cortex 446 1.10 5 4.54 5.41e-03
mouse_tissue_prostate Genes expressed specifically in mouse testis tissue 47 0.12 2 17.21 6.14e-03
scchn_hpvneg_dn Down-regulated in HPV-negative squamous cell carcinomas of the head and neck (SCCHN) vs. normal oral epithelium. 47 0.12 2 17.21 6.14e-03
senescence_hff_dn Down-regulated in primary human foreskin fibroblasts at replicative senescence (passage 26) compared to active replication (passage 8). 299 0.74 4 5.41 6.85e-03
bay_pbmc_6hr_dn Down-regulated at 6 hr following treatment of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with BAY 50-4798, an IL-2 receptor agonist. 483 1.19 5 4.19 7.50e-03
zmpste24_ko_up Fifty genes most strongly up-regulated in liver tissue from mice deficient in the lamin-protease Zmpste24/Face1, versus wild-type controls 57 0.14 2 14.19 8.91e-03
senescence_rep-ind_dn Down-regulated in models of both replicative (high-passge human foreskin fibroblast) and induced (repression of E7 in HeLa) cellular senescence. 171 0.42 3 7.10 9.09e-03
tsa_hepg2_up Up-regulated in human hepatoma cells (HepG2) following 24 hrs treatment with 500 nM trichostatin A (TSA). 936 2.31 7 3.03 9.55e-03
heatshock_hela_2hr_up Up-regulated at 2 hours following 1.5 hr 43degC heat shock of HeLa cells compared to untreated controls (> 1.5-fold, FDR < 0.05). 177 0.44 3 6.86 9.97e-03

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